This newsletter was meant to be dedicated to analyzing openings of short stories/books, but it seems life has gotten a bit hectic, so I'll have to save it for a later newsletter! But I wanted to send out a shout with some quick updates. On the writing front, I'm going on submission with my dark fantasy/body horror novella next week and hopefully another folkloric dark fantasy novel in January/February 2025. This is also the first year as a full time writer where I'm finally making a liveable income, which is absolutely wild and something I'd never thought would be possible when I started four years ago! But enough rambling and onto the bigger updates! A PALACE NEAR THE WIND ARC Request form is now open for those who are looking to read early and leave a smol review! Also, the first of two art card reveals! These will be included as part of the preorder campaign (more info coming soon)! I'll be serving on the faculty for Banff Centre for the Arts' Science Fiction residency in 2025 alongside Premee Mohamed and Amal El-Mohtar. I'd always imagined myself as an attending writer, so being a part of the faculty is both a strange but honoured feeling. For those interested in applying, applications are now open! Two smol things out: "Ashes Like Tea Leaves, Lava Like Honey" — my first story in Lightspeed Magazine (audio also available!) "Give Me English" reprinted in The Best Science Fiction of the Year Volume 8 edited by Neil Clarke I'll be at Can*Con in Ottawa this upcoming weekend as well, so if you're there, do come by and say hi! |